Setting up Azure Active Directory for authentication: A step-by-step guide

To use Azure Active Directory for Hortis authentication, you need to set up a new app registration in your Azure portal.

  1. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > App registrations and select ’New registration’

  1. Name the application ‘Hortis’, and choose Accounts in this organizational directory only for the supported account types and finally add a redirect URI with the type Web and value

3. Make note of the Application (client) ID to return to me once you’ve completed the process

  1. In the new application (that should be available under App registrations) navigate to Certificates and secrets and choose ‘New client secret’.


  1. Provide a name for the secret such as ‘hortis-app-client’ and provide an expiry duration. Keep a note of the secret’s value to provide me once you’ve completed the process.

    Note that someone managing your AD tenant will need to provide a new client secret to us before the secret’s expiry date is reached to prevent service disruption.


  1. Finally, confirm that the delegated permission ‘User.Read’ is configured for the application on the API permissions page.

  1. (Optional) If you wish to set up the service links and branding for the Hortis application navigate to Branding & properties and add the following properties:

    Home page URL:

    Terms of service URL:

    Privacy statement URL:


Once you’ve managed to register the application it should also appear in Enterprise applications where you can manage user groups and other access.

Once these steps have been completed, you will need to send the Application (client) ID along with the secret value for hortis-app-client as well as the expiry duration you choose so that it can be configured to work with Hortis.

Waheed is the author of this solution article.

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