How do I update our garden map on Open Streetmap?

OpenStreetMap is fantastic because it allows you to update the map of your own garden by just setting up an account and get started. To help you get going, you may find this tutorial helpful: :

We use vector maps from OpenStreetMap in Hortis, which are generated on a 4 week cycle. Your changes will not appear in Hortis straightaway, and it might take a few weeks before they do.

OpenStreetMap offers many options, but remember that not all "feature types" will be visible in Hortis.

Below are the feature types we recommend you use:


  • Bridge

  • Bridleway

  • Culvert

  • Footpath

  • Pedestrian way

  • Residential road

  • River

  • Service Road

  • Stream


  • Building

  • Forest

  • Garden

  • Glasshouse

  • Grass

  • Meadow

  • Park

  • Swimming pool

  • Water

  • Wood

Here is a list of OSM feature types that will not be visible in Hortis: 


  • Picnic table

  • Artwork

  • Tree

  • Cafe

  • Node


  • Way

  • Miniature rail


  • Shelter

  • Flower bed

  • Sports pitch

  • Farmyard

  • Graveyard

  • School

  • Parking

  • Playground

  • Parking space

  • Railway platform

Havard is the author of this solution article.

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