Getting your own Hortis web address

In Hortis, your garden’s collection data will be accessed by a unique web address that is specific to your organisation. The standard format for this will be:


If your garden has a website URL, we recommend you use the same name in Hortis:

  • e.g.:

To help get you started, please let us know what you would like your web address to be. Please also get in touch regarding which users need to be authenticated in your organisation.

Registering your garden with BGCI

It is worth registering your garden on the BGCI’s GardenSearch, a global source for information on botanic gardens. This is a free service provided by BGCI, and can be accessed here.

To set up your Garden account on BGCI, simply follow these steps.

Once you have your unique institution code, we can assign this as your abbreviated name to be used in Hortis. If you have a preference of how you would like your garden to be abbreviated, let us know. 

Multi-site institutions

There are cases where several gardens may be managed by the same organisation. This may occur if your garden operates within a larger organisation, or you have multiple gardens spread across the area.

In these cases, the standard format of your Hortis URL will be:

  • etc.

Get in touch

If you would like any help with this, feel free to get in touch by clicking here.

Waheed is the author of this solution article.

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